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Rome, Italy
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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Singing Nuns...

Apart from having the extreme good fortune of living in Rome, the eternal city, I wake up every morning to the sound of the most exquisite harmonies coming from the terrace opposite my bedroom window. The apartment is inhabited by Spanish nuns who, weather permitting, gather on the terrace to say their prayers and sing a couple of hymns. Religious or not, you can’t help being moved. It makes you want to go out into the world and conquer new horizons.
The atmosphere here is already so romantic: the sun-drenched roofs and ochre coloured buildings, the window boxes filled with flowers, the shouts from the market, a cat sunbathing on someone’s sill, the towering palm tree in the courtyard below, the young couple sitting at a table drinking their morning coffee, the laughter and voices from people unseen, even the washing hanging out to dry…
The singing is the icing on the cake.
You get the feeling that God, when creating the Earth, lingered here, possibly reluctant to leave...


Anonymous said...

this is really beautiful! i love the outside summery descriptions and last line about God, really peaceful and romantic!

John M Crowther said...

You make me homesick, managia la miseria. Where else but Rome can the cacaphony drifting up from the teeming vicolo below sound like a symphony orchestra?

Waiting for the Big Giant said...

First Gweneth Paltrow and now this! Please stop it, you're making Jack romesick. (just kidding about the "stop it" part - i love your blogs.)